General information for students and prospective students

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The AEL is a four-year bachelor programme involving two years of study away from the home university. The programme builds on a long tradition.

The current partner institutions are based in Aix-Marseille, Granada, Cologne, Ghent, Oviedo, Toulouse, Kaunas and Limerick. The text of the Agreement (as updated in 2019 and renewed in 2023) explains the objectives of the programme and outlines the main rules and regulations. Since 2023, the Agreement has been supplemented with a Data Processing Agreement.


A major advantage of the AEL is that it leads to triple certification. Depending on legal restrictions or university-specific regulations, some members can award their local bachelor degree to AEL students, while other members issue an Exchange Certificate at Faculty or departmental level.

At all events, AEL graduates will be able to mention certificates from three universities in their cv.

The Certification Survey outlines what type of certification you may expect depending on your choice of universities.


Survey of possible destinations per home university

Information on each of the universities (including key dates in their academic calendars):


AEL students study at their home institution during the 1st and 4th years of their course. The 2nd year is spent at one partner university, the 3rd year at another. Study programmes are updated every year through bilateral negotiation between partners, ensuring that each student gets the maximum out of the four-year course. The curriculum of each of the four years is structured around three components:

  • Component 1: Study of Language 1, including linguistic study, language practice and area studies.
  • Component 2: Study of Language 2, including linguistic study, language practice and area studies.
  • Component 3: Applied Subjects, with two possible streams:
    (1) Business stream: business administration, economics and law
    (2) Open stream: other applied subjects as approved. Examples include: acquisition or perfection of an additional language, translation skills, interpreting skills, language technology, applied communication management etc.
    ! Check the availability of streams at your destinations.

Complementary subjects may be added as required to fulfil remaining conditions for triple certification.

Below you can check surveys of modules that have recently been available to incoming AEL students at some of the partner universities. However, consult with the local advisers and your home university before you draw up your learning agreement.

AEL Modules AMU  AEL modules THK  AEL modules Limerick  AEL modules Oviedo  AEL Modules Toulouse  AEL modules Granada  AEL modules UGent


Descriptions of the individual modules offered by partner universities can be found on their websites or electronic learning environments.

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